When a question or answer is voted up, the user who posted it will gain points. These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust in that person and their level of contribution.
For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a useful answer, it will likely be voted up. On the other hand if the question is poorly-worded or the answer is misleading - it will likely be voted down. Each up vote on a question will generate
1 point, whereas each vote against will subtract
1 point. Each registered user starts with 100 points and the full details are as follows :
- Posting a question: 2 points
- Selecting an answer for your question: 3 points
- Per up vote on your question: +1 point
- Per down vote on your question: –1 point
- Limit from up votes on each question: +10 points
- Limit from down votes on each question: –3 points
- Posting an answer: 4 points
- Having your answer selected as the best: 20 points
- Per up vote on your answer: +2 points
- Per down vote on your answer: –2 points
- Limit from up votes on each answer: +20 points
- Limit from down votes on each answer: –5 points
- Voting up a question: 1 point
- Voting down a question: 1 point
- Voting up an answer: 1 point
- Voting down an answer: 1 point